Why social media is an important part of your digital strategy

Marketing and advertising is continually changing. There are many different ways to advertise your business and different ways work for different businesses. What may be successful for one business may not work for yours. Over the years, digital marketing and advertising has become largely popular with most types of businesses and a big part of digital marketing is taking advantage of social media. There are many benefits to using social media for your business. A lot of which can be achieved with no or little cost to you. 

Brand Awareness

Pretty much anyone you speak to these days will be on at least one platform of social media in a personal capacity. Which means that each of these people have the capacity to see your business page on the platform that they are on. Having your business across multiple platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter means that you are able to increase the number of people who have access to your business and the ability to contact you. You are able to increase the awareness and presence of your brand simply by being available across the different platforms.


A lot of people these days do not have time to be sitting on the phone waiting for an answer to a question about your product or service or they may simply just not like speaking on the phone. Being on social media gives your customers another avenue in which they can use to contact you. We are a busy society who like convenience and being able to shoot through a quick message to the business asking a question is a very ideal situation for many.

Engagement and Authenticity

Having a social media account for your business and using it to its full potential means that you are able to engage with your followers, build a relationship with them and show that you are not just a computer trying to make sales. Post content on your social media pages that not only showcases your products, but also gives the followers an insight into you and your business. This will help them remember you when the time comes for needing your products or services. Being active on social media means that you are not only gaining the customers that are looking for you at the moment, but you are also imprinting your business andf branding on those who may need it in the future.


Being on social media gives another way for your customers to recommend and review your business. Facebook has the option to leave a review of businesses and also a recommendations option, so that when people are asking their friends about a certain trade or industry, business pages can be linked and recommended. The feature of tagging and hashtagging also means that a person can tag your business in a post if they would like to recommend you.

Website Traffic

Posting content to your social media that can link back to your website means that you can increase the traffic that visits your site. Having a blog on your website and then posting the links on social media platforms is a great way to start. There are times when you may not be able to reach a certain target market organically yet once you share it on your social accounts, you are opening up that target market and able to reach them. 


Being across different social platforms means that you are able to reach far more people and have an impact on them. There will be people that may only be on one platform which means that you may miss the chance to reach them if you are not on that platform. Opening up your business to as many streams as possible means that you are able to reach far more people.

Social media is definitely where the future is when it comes to advertising and marketing. If you are not already on social media for your business, investing in your content and brand message, then now is the time to start. It’s not as daunting as you may think, but you can also call on us to help get you started.

Have fun with your social accounts, keep them professional and stick to the ethos of your business whilst still engaging and exciting your followers. 

It does not need to be a stressful or confusing time, it is your account and make it a representation of you and your business. 

If you need help getting started or just to get your accounts reviewed and back on track then contact us today! email Kristy at kristy@justsocialmedia.com.au

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