So, I mentioned a few weeks back before going on holidays that I set myself the challenge of spring cleaning my computers and processes so I was more organised. I knew I had a few big months and the computer (in particular the desktop) was a big mess!
So, here are the steps I took to clean it all up so I could be and feel a little more organised.
I started saving everything in my Onedrive account. That way I can access the information anywhere at any time. I would work from my desktop half the week and the other half I am on the laptop. I can’t tell you how many times I have started a project on one device, then moved to another and the information is saved on the other. So annoying, right!
Then, created then following folders:
In this folder, I created a subset of folders that consisted of;
1. Current Clients (each client then has the following folders)
- Set-up information
- WIP (work in progress)
- Invoices
- Archived
2. Accounts; this folder has subfolders created for all of my subscriptions, bills and monthly & yearly reports.
3. Ideas; Like the name suggests, all the ideas I have for social media, trends, and handy information that I find when researching. It’s important to have these to come back to when I have the time.
4. Training; This folder again speaks for itself. Whilst I am across most things social media, it’s always important to continue learning. This year alone, I have deep-dived into the land of SEO with the incredible Kate Toon. All my training is saved here for me to review and refer back to when needed.
5. Archive; This folder contains folders for all my previous clients with information that is relevant for me to keep. ( I want to make note that I do NOT keep login information once I have handed a client back.) The information I keep is around invoicing and important email communication.
So without going into too much detail, I created the same formula for my personal information. The folders I created so far that you might find handy are:
- Invoices & Receipts
- Bills
- Confirmations
- Girls
- Business #2
- Business #3
Now, I’m a list person. I love writing lists. Marking items/tasks off, that’s me. This folder has one document in it. An excel document, with an ongoing list of all the things I need, or want to do.
Being on the one drive, I only have to update one list and can access it from anywhere.
I am still reviewing my processes and refining them but the number one issues was, how I was saving my information. I got so busy that I had overloaded my desktop with files and my downloads were out of control.
Now I have the structure and I am being more careful to save it all in the right place AT the time of action.
For the most part, it’s working and It is so refreshing to start the day with a clean desktop and access to the information that I need, no matter the device.
So there you have it. A few quick changes that I made to be a little more organised. I hope there is something you can take away to help you and your business.
*** My biggest advice is to keep it simple.